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Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday:)

On this Good Friday, no matter what you believe, just take today to reflect on your body, mind and spirit. Consciencely think about what is going into your body, what your thoughts are and how you are treating others. On that, note just enjoy your day. Slow down, reflect and have an excellent weeknend!!!



Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Losing weight through respiration, perspiration and hydration

Happy hump day!!! A full day of activities again today.  Started my day with my Weight class then, off to spin with MadelineJ
Luke requested Egg salad sandwiches tonight for dinner. The kids have swim lesson tonight….funJ Spring is here.

Deep breathing as in Yoga or Pilates provides your body's cells with oxygen, which helps you, absorb nutrients. Respiration stimulates your lymphatic system to get rid of toxins. When your breath is shallow, also known as chest breathing, your cells are receiving fewer nutrients and your lymph system may be more sluggish, both of which may lead to weight gain, according one study.

Gentle or restorative yoga may help you lose weight by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. The Parasympathetic nervous system counteracts stress by calming your mind and balancing your body. A few benefits of this, is that your metabolism slows down to aid in digestion which can help you lose weight. However, too much stress may cause more rapid, shallow breathing, a quicker heartbeat and tight muscles, which may cause anxiety and less ability to quell cravings.

When you sweat, you are breathing faster, your heart is working harder, your circulation improves and your metabolism accelerates, all in an effort to resume your normal body temperature. An increased circulation during sweating, releases many of the toxins and impurities that your body has stored through your open skin pores. This is a good reason to exercise to the point of sweating or to sit in a steam room regularly.It is believed that the immune system also benefits from sweating. When your body heats up, your body generates more white blood cells. This strengthens your immune system.

Almost two thirds of the human body is made up of water. Its roles include everything from removing waste to regulating body temperature to lubricating joints, just to name a few. Water also acts as a natural appetite suppressant and aids in metabolism. With all these functions, the consumption of water is vital to the normal functioning of the body.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday's workout

Today has been another busy day, after a very busy weekend. However, I did manage to teach my Pilates class, do my strength training and even run a little.

Pilates was a whole body workout. Strength for chest/shoulders, inner thighs after which I ran just for about 25min. Then, I had a great stretch. But, I did one of my biggest no-no’s…. I ate my leftover dinner of Hummus for lunch but, while I was unloading the dishwasher. So much to do and not a enough time. Still, I should have taken a few minutes and ate my lunch.

My eating is still the same. I had homemade breakfast bar for breakfast, leftover hummus for lunch and roasted red pepper/tomato soup and salad for dinner.

Enjoy your Monday everyone.

Tomorrow is Cardio Tuesday. Then I’m tour another private school for my kids. Wish me luck.
***I have not been able to update my menu at the top, maybe tomorrow:(

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

IT IS SPRING!!! I don’t care if there’s still 2 feet of snow on the ground. It’s SPRING!!! So, with that being said, I’m continuing my spring cleaning….mind, body and soul.

Today is 3rd day with no coffee, and my dr. oz juice cleanse. Eventually, the snow will melt and we’ll shed our clothes….. Are you ready???

Today’s workout:
Heavy weights for chest/tris and shoulders
Pilates for core, legs and overall body strength/stretching.
Cardio: Spin class

Menu for tonight: Quinoa spaghetti with lentil “meatballs” and salad

Enjoy your Wednesday!!! Celebrate SpringJ

Monday, March 18, 2013

Today has been the usual Monday morning. Kids off to school and I was off to teach Pilates with weights.

So, after a weekend of a not so good eating weekend, I am doing the Dr. Oz 3 day cleanse. However, I am modifying it a bit. Instead of having just juices all day, I am only doing the juice cleanse for breakfast, lunch and then having our normal dinners. So far I have had the breakfast, lunch juice…..really good or maybe I’m just use to weird foods combos. Tomorrow I am having the dinner juice for breakfast since I did not hat it today. Speaking of tomorrow…..Another snow day is coming!!! 8-12 inches of snow.

Tonights menu is leftovers. I got my inspiration from this recipe.
I added more veggies and used soy/tofu free chicken alternative!!

chicken with cauliflower and olives paleo dinner recipe

Tomorrow will be the oatmeal pizza with a salad

Am Pilates class with light weights
Cardio ~ running on treadmill, walking and running uphill and some speed walking.
Strength~ Heavy weights for back and bis working out in the pm with the familyJ

Ok, Enjoy your week!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Circuit training

AHHH WEDNESDAY!!!  It’s another beautiful morning. It is amazing how good I have been feeling. I went from a terrible sinus infection, feeling like crap to feeling like I’m walking on clouds. So, full of energy.

Today’s workout: my morning class of weights and Pilates
Cardio: spin class!!!

Yesterday had a great circuit routine. So, My circuit looked like this:
I started with a warm up walk for 5 min., then a light jog for 10 min.
·        Squats- Military Presses- Sprints(1 min. each x4)
·        Lunges- Chest presses/flys-Sprints(1 min.ea x4)
·        Skull crushers-narrow presses- kick backs-sprints(1 min. each or 30 sec each arm x4)

Then off to parent teacher conferences and working the school book fair!!! It’s all good though.

Tonight’s menu is leftovers.  Which I have to say that I made the Lentil Meatloaf and ohhh my Gosh… It was awesome. And, The “Vegan” Tuna salad was just as delicious. Even, my 9 year old loved it. I made some healthy bread to go with itJ The only thing now is my Husband, whom doesn’t even like sweets, is requesting some more creative and fun desserts!!!
Any Ideas???

Enjoy your day everyone!

Monday, March 11, 2013


The kids actually had a full day of school! I thought I would have all this time to catch up on things but here it is after and I’m just now able to write in my blog….

I am making this awesome “vegan meatloaf” I am posting it at the top. It looks too good not to share. Then mashed cauliflower (instead of potatoes) and some roasted veggies….

Today, I feel awesomeJ  I started my day with my grapefruit juice. Then did my workout….
Cardio on the treadmill. Iam increasing in endurance and speed. Then, I did some weights and about a million burpees. They never get easier!!!
Madeline and I tried to get into spinning but it was already full. I was soo hoping to get out of the house. The weather was nice and I could have ran outside but the snow is piled so high, It’s really not safe. Oh well, I know it will come eventually.

Tomorrows workout is much of the same: More of a weight dayJ I always start with a light jog to warm up then hit it hard with the weights.
Chest/ tris/shoulders and then legs…

Have a wonderful Monday!!! Looking forward to a busy week!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Whey Protein

Today started off with a wonderful workout with Karen:) She is making great strides and showing big progress!!! Way to go Karen!!!
And here is the Juice drink recipe:
2 medium ruby red grapefruits or 1 large
4 or 5 carrots (or to your taste)
1 inch of fresh ginger
either put all through juicer or blend in blender then, I add 1/2 scoop of vanilla whey protein, mix and enjoy!!!!

***Note*** after being off all dairy for 1 year to see if my allergies would get better but, I still got a sinus infection in January ( like I do every January)
So, I started adding back in some important dairy (for protein) back into my diet.
Whey Protein has the highest concentration of branched chain amino acids (bcaa's)which are the building blocks for muscle repair and development. Whey also helps with cognitive function in stressed individuals, lowers resistance of cancer cells while enhancing the immune system, helps with calcium absorption for bone density and most important helps the body release a hormone after eating to give a sense of satiation that aids in weight loss. Whey protein out of all the proteins, increases skeletal muscle growth best.
So, this is why you will start seeing some of my recipes to include whey.

 I did my workout of 30 minutes of a moderate run, then ending with sprints.
A great ab workout and finally stretching.

Anna, How's your running been this week? How many miles are you up now?

Now we are off for some more RV shopping!!! Maybe I will post pictures.
Enjoy your Saturday everyone

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Another Storm!!

Hi all!!! I wanted to post yesterday but got busy running around in preparation for “another” Storm! That’s right we are getting another 10 inches today (Thursday). So, needless to say kids are home again.

Today’s workout is a family workout. We are getting ready to head downstairs and hang out and just workout…. Have fun, exercising with the family.

Today’s menu:
I started my morning with my protein pancake. Dinner is listed at the top (eggplant)

Maybe… I will make a new video? Not sure because everyone is home and it’s so hard to keep everyone quite.

Today’s self esteem project for the family is: everyone is to focus on one positive character trait on other family members….not so easy for siblings!!

Enjoy your day! If you’re experiencing snow enjoy!!! And if you’re enjoying a nice sunny day…well…enjoy that too!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Give your self esteem a workout!

I have been working with my 13 year old daughter to build and enhance her self esteem, when I realized it is the same thing we should all being telling ourselves. When it comes to health here are a few words of wisdom to live by:

1.       Understand the power of your attitude toward yourself and views about yourself.
·         celebrate the fact that you are a valuable person
2.       Learn to overcome a fear of self-love
·         Healthy self love is about being your own best friend
3.       Trust your own feelings.
·         Self-worth requires that you learn to listen to and rely upon your own feelings and not automatically respond to the feelings of other people.
4.       Analyze yourself
·         What are my strengths? Stop focusing on your weaknesses; you've probably done that long enough.
5.       Stop making your self-worth conditional on other people
·         Try not to live up to an image of what you think others want  you to be, you lose self-worth.
6.       Tell yourself that you matter
·         Tell yourself you're special, wonderful, lovable, and loved.
7.       Prove to yourself that you matter.
·         Responsibility is about owning up to the fact that you are in control of your attitude, your reactions, and your sense of worth.
8.       Heed opportunities
·         My friend Anna is a good example of this, she signed up for a half marathon. Heeding the opportunity and determination in her quest to be better.
9.       Value yourself regardless of your job and earnings
·         In societies that tend to value people by what they do rather than by who they are, there is a great risk of undervaluing your self-worth because it's tied up in earnings and job prestige. If you ever find yourself replying "Oh I'm just a ..."
10.   Value your time.
·         spending time with your family, or ensuring that your own life is running smoothly
11.   Follow through
·         it will take a lot of courage to make the changes needed and there will be some people who find the new, more assertive you a little confronting.

Todays workout: Pilates am class / weights for back and biceps.
Tomorrows plan is cardio dayJ
Enjoy your Monday everyone!!!