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Monday, August 18, 2014

End of summer 2014

This picture was taken June 27, 2014.
The start of summer and my early morning training's!
Welcome back to the first post since Memorial Day Weekend!!! Awe, I remember how excited everyone was for the summer to begin and now summer is coming to an End!!!

Our first Venture was a trip down memory lane to The Outer Banks, NC.

                                                    My Dad's visit...first time in many,many years:)
 Hanging with friends poolside....Thanks Erica!

Our Last end of summer excursion was to the Plimouth Plantation in Plymouth,Ma.
We saw the Plantation, the Mayflower, and The Rock!!!
Awesome Day! 

Now, I am excited for what lies ahead... So many new ventures coming this year!! 
I am starting at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition:) Yeah!!!
Also, finishing my Health and Wellness Degree:):)Yeah, Yeah!!!
Also, staring a new job at the YMCA:):):) Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!!

Meeting lots of new and wonderful people!!!!

Well of course I have been keeping up on my workouts and healthy eating habits. Always, a must!!!

Tomorrow will start with a light jog (@ 4am)to get me going since, I have to be at the Y at 6am. Then, teaching my Ashby Pilates class at 9:30.

I have prepared my meals to go for tomorrow. I have my green juice~ Celery, Cucumber,Green Apples, Ginger, Spinach ready for the am. And I also made these love muffins with fresh blackberries from Erica's yard....Thank you so much!!
This recipe has no sugar at all so, I added some local raw honey or you could add it to the muffin before you eat it!!! Yum!!
Other toppings: Peanut Butter, Butter or nothing:)

Enjoy these last days of Summer and I'm so excited to be back posting again!!!

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