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Monday, March 4, 2013

Give your self esteem a workout!

I have been working with my 13 year old daughter to build and enhance her self esteem, when I realized it is the same thing we should all being telling ourselves. When it comes to health here are a few words of wisdom to live by:

1.       Understand the power of your attitude toward yourself and views about yourself.
·         celebrate the fact that you are a valuable person
2.       Learn to overcome a fear of self-love
·         Healthy self love is about being your own best friend
3.       Trust your own feelings.
·         Self-worth requires that you learn to listen to and rely upon your own feelings and not automatically respond to the feelings of other people.
4.       Analyze yourself
·         What are my strengths? Stop focusing on your weaknesses; you've probably done that long enough.
5.       Stop making your self-worth conditional on other people
·         Try not to live up to an image of what you think others want  you to be, you lose self-worth.
6.       Tell yourself that you matter
·         Tell yourself you're special, wonderful, lovable, and loved.
7.       Prove to yourself that you matter.
·         Responsibility is about owning up to the fact that you are in control of your attitude, your reactions, and your sense of worth.
8.       Heed opportunities
·         My friend Anna is a good example of this, she signed up for a half marathon. Heeding the opportunity and determination in her quest to be better.
9.       Value yourself regardless of your job and earnings
·         In societies that tend to value people by what they do rather than by who they are, there is a great risk of undervaluing your self-worth because it's tied up in earnings and job prestige. If you ever find yourself replying "Oh I'm just a ..."
10.   Value your time.
·         spending time with your family, or ensuring that your own life is running smoothly
11.   Follow through
·         it will take a lot of courage to make the changes needed and there will be some people who find the new, more assertive you a little confronting.

Todays workout: Pilates am class / weights for back and biceps.
Tomorrows plan is cardio dayJ
Enjoy your Monday everyone!!!

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